Scopus uniquely combines a comprehensive, curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly content. Quickly find relevant and trusted research, identify experts, and access reliable data, metrics, and analytical tools for confident research strategy decisions – all from one database and one subscription.


Media in category "Scopus (database)" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.

Scopus is the world’s largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed research literature. It was introduced by Elsevier in 2004 and contains over 20,500 titles from more than 5,000 international publishers. In total, Scopus has indexed 3,500 scientific journals. Scopus.

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You need to have a user account with Elsevier (Scopus or ScienceDirect). From researchers pursuing scientific breakthroughs to governments performing research evaluation, Scopus is their abstract and indexing database of choice. av NJ SantaBarbara · 2017 · Citerat av 14 — A comprehensive search of electronic databases PubMed, Scopus, PsycNET, and Web of Science for relevant studies published in peer-reviewed journals  Subcategory: Computer Science and Technology (remove). Database: Scopus (remove). Language: Swedish (remove).

The field of science of a publication is determined based on the subject category/area used in Clarivate Analytics' Web of Science database or Elsevier's Scopus 

Tillgänglig inom Örebro universitet eller via inloggning för lärare/student. Ämnesområde: The largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature; covers Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, Social Sciences and some Arts. It often links to the full text of the article. Theoretically all Medline items are included in Scopus with their subject headings – however, if you want to search by the Medline thesaurus , use Medline instead.

Scopus database

Students and staff at the Mid Sweden University can access our databases either at the campus or from home. Find out more about access to the Library 

Scopus database

Databas för vetenskapliga tidskriftsartiklar i alla ämnen. Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, featuring smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. With over 21500  Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature, featuring smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research. In addition, various aspects of the methodology of database coverage lists of Web of Science and Scopus and some other major scientific databases are  Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (Wiley) Proxy I Scopus kan man söka vetenskaplig litteratur inom olika ämnesområden. Det är även en databas för  Scopus also includes the historical material published by American Chemical Society technical and social science database containing all relevant literature.

Scopus database

Svensk Mesh MeSH Database . Scopus. Multidisciplinary database covering scientific, medical, social sciences, arts & humanities and technical literature. An abstract and  In 2004, Elsevier launched the "Scopus" database which covers 16,000 journals from all key publishers in the areas of scientific, technological and medical  av A Ledin · 2008 — and enhance our service and tailor content. By continuing you agree to the use of cookies · Log in to Pure · DTU Research Database data protection policy.
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Scopus covers nearly 36,377 titles (22,794 active titles and 13,583 inactive titles) from approximately 11,678 publishers, of which 34,346 are peer-reviewed journals in top-level subject fields: life sciences, social sciences, physical sciences, and health sciences. Added to Scopus in the last no. days: Limit your search to documents that have been added to Scopus in the last 7, 14, or 30 days. Document type. Use the document type list to limit your search to a specific type of document, such as reviews or conference papers.

Open the Sources page with the Scopus list search to see a general selection of journals represented in the database. Here, you will see the search criteria (Subject Area, Title, Publisher, ISSN), source type, CiteScore metrics for journals and serials, and display options.
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Scopus maintains the largest citation database of peer-reviewed literature, which includes journals, conference proceedings and books. It also provides an impact factor for each journal that it indexes.

In comparison to Web of Science, Scopus has a bigger scope (aprox.

19 Feb 2021 Ebsco Databases · ProQuest Databases · Scopus Scopus is recommended for cited reference searching in the sciences and social sciences.

Scopus là một cơ sở dữ liệu thư mục chứa bản tóm tắt và trích dẫn các bài báo khoa học. Scopus có chứa 57 triệu bản tóm tắt, gần 22.000 danh mục từ hơn 5.000 nhà xuất bản, trong đó 20.000 là tập san đánh giá chuyên ngành trong khoa học, kỹ thuật, y tế, và xã hội (bao gồm cả nghệ thuật và nhân văn). Scopus covers a wider journal range, of help both in keyword searching and citation analysis, but it is currently limited to recent articles (published after 1995) compared with Web of Science. Google Scholar, as for the Web in general, can help in the retrieval of even the most obscure information but its use is marred by inadequate, less often updated, citation information. 29 Mar 2021 This guide helps users search in, Mint Global, Westlaw AU, Westlaw, LexisNexis AU, Nexis, Web of Science and Scopus. The paper provides a quantitative analysis of bibliometric-database errors in the databases Scopus and Web of Science.

In comparison to Web of Science, Scopus has a bigger scope (aprox. 18,000 titles compared to aprox. 12,000 titles), but Web of Science is more complete when it comes to citations prior to 1996. Scopus.